The emphasis on optimizing the value or double phenomenon. On the one hand the value that in law enforcement during this scientific approach has been adopted, but still needs to be improved, and the other phenomena that have a tendency in law enforcement during this, cultural or scientific approach orientation has been further weakened because of the approach to optimize the orientation or partial approach.
- This is in view of various phenomena in society such as: the reality that often diresahkan the general public, that "cultural envelope", "material culture" or "cultural or despicable dirty game" (the general term Mafia) in the practice of law enforcement.
- Often bring in "expert witnesses" from among lawyers (although there are judges and prosecutors who refused to witness the presence of experts based on the reasons / basis, the judge considered what the law). This phenomenon gave the impression declining quality scholarly (law) be legal, because the legal issues about who should have known by law enforcement (which notabene a "legal experts" as well). At least, this phenomenon indicates the existence of cultural / pragmatic approach / shortcut, in understanding the law.
- In practice there is often visible symptoms / a tendency to think that the law is only partial and see UU / criminal provisions of the "glass eye horse." Separating between the fundamental norms of Law-principle, between the certainty of legal / formal legal fight.
3 comment:
due to invalid state, the law and enforcement, education, democracy is tenderly lack of its meaning.
and that invalid laws is always produce to serve stupid people...
wuahaha, im agree with suryaden.
that invalid laws is always produce to serve "stupidpeople"!!
LOL.. they always serve the one who have money..what a lack law in this country...
just 4 sure : invalid law for crazy people
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