in Islam, the position of the mother is very noble and honorable. All the household chores usual day-to-day such as cooking, washing and others are in fact absolutely not to be a mother, but the obligation to find her husband's maid.
The mother of the obligations of Islam:
- Birth and breast-feed the baby.
- rinting generation fighte, experts heaven, have a certain knowledge and have the touch of love. Because a mother is a teacher for the first child.
- Get adequate nutrition during pregnancy from her husband and breastfeeding.
- Getting a good treatment and respect from both her husband and her children, for example, does not hector / sail against the mother, so there saying "heaven is in their mother's feet"
11 comment:
Mom very important to me, inspiring me..
everything for her..
Pliz be loving and respect ur mother..huhuhiks...
hiks...jadi inget ma ibu. begitu banyak kesalahan yg udah aku lakukan, dan sekarang setelah aku menjadi ibu, mmg terasa sakit sekali bila anak melawan atau membantah kita.
mother no its substitution.... recollect my mamma
wah, ini template ganti lagi ya?
wahhh boleh nih reviewannya...
ntar bengkak lhoh kantongnya he..he..
Btw semangat ya kang ... semoga sukses...
blog yg ini kulink di bloglist yahh
Posisi ibu sangat dimuliakan dan sangat dihormati dalam Islam.
Respect and love with your heart to your mom...
Mom.... I Love you...
Ibuku adalah pahlawanku... segala keluh kesahku, ibu selalu mendengarkan dengan baik...
Mt MOther is My Hero
Duh ...kamu bikin abang rindu aja sama Ibunda di Kalimantan hiks ..
Sembah sujud ananda ...mudah2an ibu baca hue he
ibuku adalah segalanya bagiku,...
mama.... aku inget mama di cilacap....
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