Education Facilities in Indonesia

Education in Indonesia if it can be said for the bolster better education? In various areas, for example, not a few school buildings that stood firmly with adequate facilities. Always there are deficiencies in the procurement of buildings or facilities that support in education. As the school facilities and as a place for the implementation of education should strive to complete all kinds of shortcomings that exist in these schools.

School as a place of knowledge from teachers to students should support the provision of science with the knowledge it seeks to provide a full and comprehensive curriculum in accordance with the currently applicable.
However, in reality now or education facilities, especially schools that have not appeared to function better. There are still many shortcomings in the existing schools in Indonesia generally and in remote areas in particular. The main reasons are less affordable by the local equipment is modern.
besides the existing facilities in schools to be very poor and far from enough. Especially in the suburbs that get less attention from the government.


3 comment:

Anonymous said...

wahhh, fasilitas na paling maju, gedung bertingkat 4 minimal, pagi pagi mampir nih

Anonymous said...

always in indonesia

Anonymous said...

walau belum ngerti ini web apaan, mampir dulu ah...

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