Father is a hero to two highly meritorious in the life of a child. Father began to plan your life when your mother know that the pregnancy.
Father will grant best place to sit with you in the shoulder to him, when the parade passed by, father you buy brand new lollipop you want, and he will spend if you do not like...
Father will not spoil you when you sick, but he will not sleep all night. Who knows you need them. Father stop what they're doing it, if you want to talk...
Father will forget what he wanted, to be able to give what you need. Father let you win in the game when you are still small, but he does not want to let you win when you have large.
There is no father in the family photo album, because he is always taking. Father help you make a dream become a reality even he can convince you to do things impossible, such as the float on the water after releasing it. Stern father may appear in your eyes, but in the friends he looks funny and love.
Father always thinking and working hard to pay your spp each semester, even though you did not calculate how much help in wrinkling her forehead.
The father will only give a first when you leave home to go wander, as if he might hug until he can never remove it.
Thank you father ...
Father will grant best place to sit with you in the shoulder to him, when the parade passed by, father you buy brand new lollipop you want, and he will spend if you do not like...
Father will not spoil you when you sick, but he will not sleep all night. Who knows you need them. Father stop what they're doing it, if you want to talk...
Father will forget what he wanted, to be able to give what you need. Father let you win in the game when you are still small, but he does not want to let you win when you have large.
There is no father in the family photo album, because he is always taking. Father help you make a dream become a reality even he can convince you to do things impossible, such as the float on the water after releasing it. Stern father may appear in your eyes, but in the friends he looks funny and love.
Father always thinking and working hard to pay your spp each semester, even though you did not calculate how much help in wrinkling her forehead.
The father will only give a first when you leave home to go wander, as if he might hug until he can never remove it.
Thank you father ...
16 comment:
Ayah adalah batu karang yang teguh di dalam keluarga.
wow.....thats really a great father..i think they have any different between hoping and reallity, do you think so...? But..aniway, That a kind of father everybody want.
nice post kang...
jadi ingat sama ayahku nihhh
ayah memang kepala keluarga yg mencari Nafkah buat keluarga...dia org nomor dua terpenting dalam keluarga setelah ibu yg kasih sayangnya sepanjang masa,ayah cuma sedengkul
inice post kang
kumaha damang yeuh
wah... ayahnya super hero ya mas... kyk di iklan aja yang ayahnya disuruh2 sama anaknya heheh...
ok banget kang postingnya... semangat terus ya berbagi yang terbaik.........
ribuan kilo jalan yang kau tempu
lewati rintang untuk aku anakmu
ribuan kilo .....wah cape yah...
hayyah....itumah lagu ibu yah...bro
gag nyambung dong.....
Duh janten kaemut pun Rama di lembur, hikz...
bagaimanapun juga kita harus menghormati orangtua kita, karena sebelum kita bisa mandiri dan berpikir merekalah yang menopang hidup kita...
jadi inget lagunya Ebiet..
di matamu masih tersimpan selaksa peristiwa..
benturan dan hempasan....lupa terusannya..
nice posting kan..
nice posting..father is the best..but why there is no father's day?
Waahh,s setuju,...ayahku pahlawanku,... soalnya ayahku Batman,..he he heee
terima kasih: kedua orang tua lah yg telah mengajarkan kita nilai-nilai kebaikan, kerja keras dan bagaimana menjalani hidup ini seharusnya
jadi ingatin saya ama ayahku nihh,,,
sedih juga uda 2 tahun lum jumpa lagi....
tahun depan bulatin tekad dan nabung ahh tuk jumpa ama ayah dan keluarga lainnya .....
good n nice post,,,keep posting friend.......
My Dad is the most important one after my Mom. He always cheers me up when I'm in sorrow .. he is a nice guy whom I always can tell everything and support me when I'm down. That's why I love My Parents very very very much
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