One of the crucial disease faced the Indonesian people nowadays is the number of corrupt behavior. This despicable act is not only happening in the elite circles but has also spread in a more dangerous level. Moreover, the Act was passed No. 22 / 1999 on regional autonomy, the widespread corruption to all directions. The law gives officials the opportunity to embezzle assets congregation area.
Corruption is a universal phenomenon that can occur in the various countries. In developed countries is the practice of behavior and corruption can still be found. However, in developing countries such as Indonesia, corruption occurs very accurate because of the weakness of law enforcement.
Indeed, efforts to combat corruption is not the easy things like reverse the hands as they relate to economic, political, social, and cultural. Eradication of corruption must be at the same time with a firm law enforcement, along with a strong government and brave. Therefore, the behavior of corruption does not only have capital enough let alone the spirit of a jargon.
Let us fight corruption, because corruption does not only cause of loss but also poverty and unemployment ...

8 comment:
seek and destroy...
let's opponent corruption! start of self, family and community
bikin mereka kapok dan dhedhel duwell
salam kenal ya!
berantas korupsi!
corruption is a mass killing, as the bad effect not only instantly but also goes through the next generation, how you will help our next generation if you are not exist anymore, so war against corruption and corrupts officer is definetly a MUST!!
Gimana ya cara berantas korupsi yang paling efektif??? saya pun masih suka korupsi kok... meski cuman korupsi waktu... hahahah
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