Gift to us

We know? We are born with two eyes in front of our faces, because we can not always see the back. But all of that to look ahead, we look the future.

We are born with 2 pieces in the right ear and on the left, so that we can hear everything from the two sides. To be able to praise and criticism, and select the right and which wrong.

We are born with 2 eyes and 2 ears, but we were given only 1 topic. Because the mouth is a very sharp weapon, the mouth can cause, can kill, can tempt, and many other things that are not fun. So remember, it may talk but listen and see as much as possible.

We are born with only 1 in the hearts far we rib bones. Remind us of the love and appreciation is expected to come from our hearts in the most. Learn to love and enjoy how we loved but never expect other people to love us as we love him. Give love without requesting a reply and we will find a love that is far more beautiful.


7 comment:

DavidMIqbal said...

Mulutmu adalah Harimaumu....sapa yang harimau angkat tangan...haik...haik...

Diana Yusuf said...

wadud linggisnya sudah tajem nih si kang indra...hehehehehe

Anonymous said...

wadaww,...kurang ngerti euuy,...!!!

Anonymous said...

Salam hormat buat mpunya blog, yang sudah memberi kita 'gift' yg berharga.

Cheers, frizzy.


makin keren aja nih postingannya.

Anonymous said...

*tengok kiri kanan*..hah..sarang buaya atau harimau nihh?? kaburrrrrrrrrrr

Anonymous said...

clingak clinguk.....

halo...salam kenal...

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