Children and Internet

To develop a child's perspective, the Internet can be illustrated as a library the most complete. With the Internet, children can choose books the story of the nature of knowledge, knowledge of social, sports, or cartoons. Here, the children invited to explore the internet as you wish and needs. That way, children will be able to deduce its own facilities on the internet is called.

Another example, you can invite children to search for news of their idol figures. From the internet can collect their photos, send mail, read the latest information, or even shoot the figures directly with the idol.

However, we must also remember that the world is the world's children playing. Play is a method that used a child to learn to be mature and independent. Play also useful to train a wide range of talents and skills. Thus, in helping children learn, we should not use the methods of formal and rigid. Adjust teaching to the age of children. The beginning of the process is very important for further instruction. If necessary, show the joy that children can be obtained via the internet. For example, when children love to read, take them to sites that provide the stories of children. If the child likes to play, the Internet also provides a site containing the game (game). With the site-site, then the children can study, play, and rejoice. Thus, indirectly, on teaching children the internet has done.

11 comment:

Anonymous said...

Terima kasih tipsnya..

Unknown said...

tul. harus perhatikan anak2 kita kalo mereka main internet.

Syaiful Safril said...

anak saja kalo nonton tv kudu harus dperhatikan apalagi kalo dah bisa berinternet.. makin sulit deh buat perkembangan jiwanya..

Anonymous said...

agar informasi dr internet dpt dipakai sebagai gudang ilmu untuk anak2, tentu saja harus ada pendampingan dr kedua orangtua.
pasangi program antiporn.
siip deh infonya

Anonymous said...

bener banget,
teknologi bisa sangat membantu tapi bisa juga membahayakan, apalagi buat anak2...memang harus didampingi...
Nice posting kang...omong2 anaknya sudah berapa kang??
he he he kaburrrrrrrr....ntar ditimpuk ma sendal ..

Anonymous said...

sepertinya tidak hanya internet ya..dari TV juga anak butuh pendamping. Saya juga selalu mendampingi hilda kalo udah kutak atik didepan internet, intinya hanya satu..orang tua jaman sekarang ngga boleh gaptek..biar ngga dibohongi anaknya sendiri, pasang security sehingga ada situs2 tertentu bisa kita blok aksesnya..

BeeMouNTaiN said... aku pakai buat ngawasin si papa yg di rumah aja ah...kan dia juga masih anak anak...alias anak bapaknya.

Anonymous said...

Kayaknya yang berbahaya papanya tuh :))

Anonymous said...

Thanx atas infonya...!

Anonymous said...

komputer memang bukan barnag baru bagi anak sekarang, dan tinggal ngasih tahu aja aturan dan bahayanya, dia bisa menepi sendiri kok, asal ngasih tahunya juga sip... said...

wah bahaya juga yah.....
mesti di awasi dong...

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