Not all impressions can be safe and watch the children. A number of impressions even parents need to be avoided, among others:
1. Impressions non children
Cinema, infotainment, situation comedy, and even interactive quizzes that do not represent the interests of children, potentially giving the example is not good for children.
2. Romantic impressions
Impressions show theme romance or love scenes comedy unworthy of the children, because it is very likely to be imitated stock without understanding the truth.
3. Scenes of violence
Not all good comedy film cartoons children. Although are entertaining, animated movie that shows scenes of violence and often dangerous one example of children.
4. Showing powerless
Lately many of the TV show powerless to add humorous atmosphere. Unfortunately, for children of impressions that would potentially cause confusion over gender identity.
1. Impressions non children
Cinema, infotainment, situation comedy, and even interactive quizzes that do not represent the interests of children, potentially giving the example is not good for children.
2. Romantic impressions
Impressions show theme romance or love scenes comedy unworthy of the children, because it is very likely to be imitated stock without understanding the truth.
3. Scenes of violence
Not all good comedy film cartoons children. Although are entertaining, animated movie that shows scenes of violence and often dangerous one example of children.
4. Showing powerless
Lately many of the TV show powerless to add humorous atmosphere. Unfortunately, for children of impressions that would potentially cause confusion over gender identity.
8 comment:
Informasi penting nih ...tks bos
Wahhh.. sekarang harus hati2 nih..
Children is complicated creature, you can't just forbid them from watching TV, but you have to teach them about positive side that they can have from TV. Sorry if my english bad. Harap maklum
Romantic impressions
Impressions show theme romance or love scenes comedy unworthy of the children, because it is very likely to be imitated stock without understanding the truth.
he he he..bener banget! adikku aja wkt masih kecil suka tersenyum2 geli kalo melihat adegan mesra di televisi.
waduh.. bener bangedh tuch om.. IMPACT nya gede bangedh.. apalagi sekarang sinetron ajah yang anak SMA bajunya dikeluarin2.. gurunya gak ngomelin.. ntar pada ngikutin lagi.. hufh.. jaman sekarang dah ahh.. parah euy... btw.. gud posting!
apalagi kalo anak2 nonton bokep lebih warning lagi hehehe
terima kasih kang informasinya ...
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