Eva Luna - The story about a character named Eva González, Blanca Soto played by a character played by Guy Ecker Daniel Villanueva. The love story of two characters is very long and winding. Like the soap opera in general happiness of the couple should take the winding roads and past many obstacles and problems.
Ambition to control the character of Daniel Villanueva, mainly because I am very rich also affect the relationship with Eva González. But since you can make sure all the loyal viewers Eva Luna wants a happy ending, of course Eva Luna Capitulo 95 is a bright spot of happiness of the couple will soon be found.
This story will be more interesting than the chapters that follow. Eva Luna Capitulo 95 will be aired on March 23, 2011 a favorite for television and the family.
Don't forget to watch the subsequent chapters Eva Luna Capitulo 96, Eva Luna Capitulor 97, Eva Luna Capitulor 98, Eva Luna Capitulor 99, Eva Luna Capitulor 100 and so on. For those of you who missed the previous story! Below we provide the video:
Eva Luna Capitulo 93 part 1
Eva Luna Capitulo 93 part 2
Eva Luna Capitulo 93 part 3
Eva Luna Capitulo 93 part 4
Eva Luna Capitulo 93 part 5
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